Come and Join Us - Take the Plunge !

Almost everyone can sing.  Whether it’s humming along to your favourite streaming service, supporting your team from the terraces, on your own in the shower, or part of an organised group, singing comes naturally to virtually everyone. Some folk who maybe would like to sing don't because they have never had the opportunity or it's not the right time. Barnt Green Choral gives everyone the opportunity to sing whatever your experience or ability.

Here are comments from three of our recent new joiners:

Dina: "When I was at school I really enjoyed practising at lunchtimes in the school choir. I then became very busy with marriage, kids and work, so singing was not a priority. I don’t read music or play a musical instrument and I never considered joining a choir.  Following the pandemic I decided to make more space for my passions, and I remembered the joy of singing at school. Fitting in at Barnt Green Choral was much easier than I expected. The music is beautiful and I am thoroughly enjoying reigniting my passion for singing."

John: "Until I joined Barnt Green Choral I had never sung in any disciplined way.  I long had a hankering to sing but was not sure how to go about it.  I saw an advert and thought I would give it a go.  A key attraction was ‘no need to be able to read music'. I am now treading the path of reading music and have performed in concerts singing Bach cantatas and Mozart’s Requiem."

Jane: "I recently moved into the area and looked for a local choir to join. I have always sung since schooldays and for about 30 years had great fun doing Gilbert & Sullivan shows before going Coventry Philharmonic. I am now retired and hoping to maintain active membership of both Barnt Green Choral and the Coventry choir."

There are many benefits of joining Barnt Green Choral and starting to sing. Firstly, it can improve your health - both physically (your lung capacity becomes greater) and mentally (you tend to feel happier). But the biggest benefit is that it is great fun. You take part in a group activity where everyone pulls together to a common end. Rehearsals are happy fun occasions and you perform the results of your hard work at three concerts a year - which gives a great feeling of satisfaction. Most importantly you make new friends with common interests and you can socialise happily. This is all on top learning from first-class professional musicians who teach you how to sing and perform music.

So go on. If you think this is something you might enjoy then take the plunge now, join Barnt Green Choral and enjoy yourself.

We always welcome new members. Rehearsals run from September through till June and are held on Monday evenings 7.45 – 9.45 at the Parish Centre, Sandhills Road, Barnt Green B45 8NR. (Rear of St. Andrews Church). Refreshments are served at half time.

There are no auditions and you are welcome to join us for two or three practices before committing to membership. Although it is helpful to be able to read music please don’t be put off if you can’t do so – we have choir members who don’t read music so you will not be alone and you will still learn as rehearsals progress.

If you are interested in joining, either come along on a Monday evening or for more details please complete the form on our contact page.